walking the newsroom

walking the newsroom

a sensory experience of journalism
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from suspicion to wonder

from suspicion to wonder

illuminating the much-at-onceness of journalistic life
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experientialist understanding of journalism

experientialist understanding of journalism

Exploring arts-based research for journalism studies.
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creativity in journalism studies

creativity in journalism studies

Broadening our perspective on journalism practice.
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beyond journalism

beyond journalism

Stories from startup journalists.
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innovation as process

innovation as process

Action research in journalism studies.
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dealing with the mess (we made)

dealing with the mess (we made)

Unraveling hybridity, normativity and complexity in journalism studies.
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‘it never stops’

‘it never stops’

The implicit norm of working long hours in entrepreneurial journalism.
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impact of journalism

impact of journalism

Journalistic and social change.
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journalism as practice

journalism as practice

Practice theory in journalism studies.
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the entrepreneurial journalist

the entrepreneurial journalist

Society, audiences and economic drivers.
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beyond journalism

beyond journalism

Theorising the transformation of journalism.
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what journalism becomes

what journalism becomes

Researching a moving object.
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from democracy to participation

from democracy to participation

Audiences, citizenship, and interactive tools in digital journalism.
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ideology in journalistic entrepreneurship

ideology in journalistic entrepreneurship

Ideology as resource in startup mediapart.
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Sage handbook of digital journalism

Sage handbook of digital journalism

Changing contexts, practices and research.
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o que o jornalismo está se tornando

o que o jornalismo está se tornando

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além do jornalismo

além do jornalismo

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counterpublics in the age of mediatisation

counterpublics in the age of mediatisation

Local responses to Femen in the Arab world.
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passive accomplice or active disruptor

passive accomplice or active disruptor

The role of audiences in the mediatization of politics.
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journalistiek ondernemerschap

journalistiek ondernemerschap

Tussen nichemarkt en maatschappelijk nut.
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from democracy to participation

from democracy to participation

Audiences, citizenship, and interactive tools in digital journalism.
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passive accomplice or active disruptor

passive accomplice or active disruptor

The role of audiences in the mediatization of politics.
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digital participation in news media

digital participation in news media

‘Minimalist’ views versus meaningful interaction.
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transforming journalistic practice

transforming journalistic practice

A profession caught between change and tradition.
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changing journalism

changing journalism

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changing audiences, changing journalism?

changing audiences, changing journalism?

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the ‘tyranny’ of technology

the ‘tyranny’ of technology

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the changing business of news

the changing business of news

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new media in the newsroom = more democratic news?

new media in the newsroom = more democratic news?

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from confrontation to understanding

from confrontation to understanding

In/exclusion of alternative voices in online discussion.
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protecting the news

protecting the news

Civil society and the media.
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liberal dreams and the internet

liberal dreams and the internet

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‘comment is free, facts are sacred’

‘comment is free, facts are sacred’

Journalistic ethics in a changing mediascape.
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liberal dreams and the internet

liberal dreams and the internet

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a new news order?

a new news order?

Online news content examined.
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street journalists versus ‘ailing journalists’?

street journalists versus ‘ailing journalists’?

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A profession under pressure?
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examining online public discourse in context

examining online public discourse in context

A mixed method approach.
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(in)difference online

(in)difference online

The openness of public discussion on immigration.
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representation and inclusion in online debate

representation and inclusion in online debate

The issue of honour killings.
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normativity online

normativity online

Facing the boundaries of the boundless World Wide Web.
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