From Suspicion to Wonder
full title: From Suspicion to Wonder in Journalism and Communication Research
authors: Tamara Witschge & Mark Deuze
year of publication: 2020
published in: Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly
keywords: wonder, suspicion, journalism, communication research, creative methods, becoming, “becoming with”

becoming with in Journalism Research
In this article, we call for a critical reflection on the lens that we adopt when researching journalism and communication. Adopting a lens of wonder can enhance our ability to consider the rich diversity that can be found in the field. Through a variety of research projects, we show how through wonder we cannot only understand how journalism is becoming but also make space for “becoming with”: we show how we are complicit in journalism’s future. Focusing on the paradoxical nature of journalistic practices as something we learned from our work with journalists, we illuminate and open up the much-at-onceness of journalistic life.