changing journalism
full title: Changing Journalism
authors: Peter Lee-Wright, Angela Phillips & Tamara Witschge
year of publication: 2012
publisher: Routledge
subtitle of this publication
Journalism is in transition. Irrevocable decisions are being made, often based on flimsy evidence, which could change not only the future of journalism, but also the future of democracy.
This book, based on extensive research, provides the opportunity to reflect upon these decisions and considers how journalism could change for the better and for the good of democracy. It covers:
- the business landscape
- work and employment
- the regulatory framework
- audiences and interaction
- the impact of technology on practices and content
- ethics in a converged world
The book analyses research in both national and local journalism, broadcast, newspaper and online journalism, broadsheet and tabloid, drawing comparisons between the different outlets in the field of news journalism, making this essential reading for scholars and students of journalism and media studies.